Thursday, March 12, 2015

Mass Animal Deaths for 2015

Mass Animal Deaths for 2015

If the information on this page causes you concern regarding the future, then see what must I do to be saved?
Below is a list of worldwide mass animal deaths for 2015, with pages also for mass die offs from the previous 4 years. There are animals dying all over the world today in huge numbers, due to the polluted state of the sea and air. Millions of Fish and massive numbers of whales and dolphins are washing ashore dead. Birds are falling dead out of the sky, and millions of poultry are dying from avian flu. The animals of the land like cattle are also dying in large numbers from disease. Although animals and fish have been dying all throughout history, we have not seen the massive consistant numbers that we are seeing today. Please remember! This is just one of the MANY signs of the last days.
In many of these events people from all walks of life are saying that they have "never seen anything like this before".
Worldwide Bee Die offs       Our Dying Planet
INFO: 970 MILLION Monarch butterflies - a major pollinator - have been killed since 1990 in America by Monsanto's herbicide, wiping out 90 percent of America's total population of Monarchs (source)
Hosea 4:1-3 ...'Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood. Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.'
Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.'
MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST                     Event Summary for 2015 - 174 Known MASS Death Events in 45 Countries
11th March 2015 - 200+ TONS of dead fish wash ashore along the coast of Montevideo, 200 Tons of dead fish in UraguayUraguay. Link
10th March 2015 - Large die off of ducks during winter on Long Island, New York, America. Link
10th March 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a pond in Uppsala, Sweden. Link
9th March 2015 - Hundreds of dead turtles, plus hundreds of dead fish found in Bocas del Toro, Panama. Link
9th March 2015 - 250,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Monywa, Myanmar. Link
9th March 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found on a beach in Tolu, Colombia. Link
9th March 2015 - 19 dead turtles found on Pulau Tiga Island in Malaysia. Link
9th March 2015 - 100+ cattle have died 'due to suspected grass poisoning' in Gujarat, India. Link
8th March 2015 - 550 dead animals (mainly deer) found, 'due to snow and cold' in Leon, Spain. Link
7th March 2015 - 1,450 Sea lion pups have washed ashore this year ill and dying - 'possibly 10,000 have died' in California, America. Link
7th March 2015 - Thousands of dead fish wash up in new die off in Lim Chu Kang, Singapore. Link
6th March 2015 - 600 TONS of dead fish due to algae in fish farms in the east of Singapore. Link
6th March 2015 - Massive die off of prawns, 'cause unknown' in Aroor, India. Link
6th March 2015 - 15,000 turkeys dead due to avian flu in Minnesota, America. Link
6th March 2015 - Hundreds of cattle are dead due to drought in southern Ecuador. Link
6th March 2015 - 10,000+ cattle dead due to flooding of the river Ebro in Spain. Link
5th March 2015 - Thousands of dead fish wash up on beaches in Buenos Aires, Argentina.Fish dead in Argentina Link
5th March 2015 - 12 turtles stranded, 3 dead, on a beach in Abruzzo, Italy. Link
5th March 2015 - 9,000+ birds are dead due to another avian flu outbreak in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Link
5th March 2015 - Thousands of dead fish wash up along Derwent river in Tasmania, Australia. Link
5th March 2015 - Thousands of dead fish found in Cabo Frio, Brazil. Link
5th March 2015 - Millions of birds killed due to avian flu during past 6 months in South Korea. Link
5th March 2015 - 1,100 Birds killed due to avian flu outbreak in Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Link
4th March 2015 - 4.17 MILLION birds have been killed since January due to avian flu in Taiwan, China. Link
4th March 2015 - 300 Snow Geese have died this winter due to disease in Illinois, America. Link
4th March 2015 - Thousands of dead fish found on coast of East Java, Indonesia. Link
4th March 2015 - 23,500 Birds to be killed due to avian flu in Schwanewede, Germany. Link
4th March 2015 - INFO: 30 dolphins/whales and 54 turtles wash up dead during 2014 in Abruzzo, Italy. Link
3rd March 2015 - 'Lots' of dead turtles found on a beach in Piacabucu, Brazil. Link
3rd March 2015 - Thousands of dead fish, plus dead ducks found in a lagoon in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link
3rd March 2015 - Large die off of fish 'due to cold weather' at 3 sites in Nova Scotia, Canada. Link
3rd March 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a river in Hainan, China. Link
2nd March 2015 - 100,000 ducks killed due to avian flu in Fuzesgyarmat, Hungary. Link
2nd March 2015 - Thousands of TONS of shellfish have died off during past few years in Whangarei Harbour, New Zealand. Link
2nd March 2015 - 3 dead whales found washed ashore in Chennai, India. Link
2nd March 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a pond in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Link
2nd March 2015 - Thousands of dead fish found washed up along Columbia River in Portland, America. Link
1st March 2015 - Dozens of birds drop dead out of the sky in Tennessee, America. Link
1st March 2015 - Masses of various marine creatures washing ashore dead on Pasir Ris beach in Dead creatures SingaporeSingapore. Link
1st March 2015 - Mass die off of fish and reptiles due to burst fuel pipe in Tabasco, Mexico. Link
28th February 2015 - 100 dead or dying turtles found in the Bellinger River in NSW, Australia. Link
28th February 2015 - 97 dead sea birds found along beaches of the North East coast of France. Link
28th February 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found on the banks of a river in Uttar Pradesh, India. Link
27th February 2015 - 10,000 birds dead, 23,000 killed due to avian flu in Monywa, Myanmar. Link
26th February 2015 - Fish kill in 2 farm ponds in La Union, Philippines. Link
25th February 2015 - 5,000 Birds killed due to avian flu in Jigawa State, Nigeria. Link
25th February 2015 - Thousands of dead fish found, 'no explanation' in the port of Wolfersdorf, France. Link
25th February 2015 - 500 head of cattle dead from landslides in Northeast Afghanistan. Link
24th February 2015 - Masses of dead fish found floating in Guanabara Bay, Brazil. LinkDead fish in Brazil
24th February 2015 - Dozens of dead sea lions found on beaches in Malibu, California, America. Link
24th February 2015 - Thousands of dead fish wash up along Runmaro Island, 'never seen this before' in Sweden. Link
24th February 2015 - 130 Birds burnt alive while flying over solar farm in Nevada, America. Link
24th February 2015 - 50+ dead birds found along the waterways in Kapiti, New Zealand. Link
23rd February 2015 - 2,500 cattle dead due to 'unknown disease' in Pariang County, South Sudan. Link
23rd February 2015 - 21,000 ducks to be killed due to avian flu in Bekes, Hungary. Link and here
23rd February 2015 - Fish kill occuring off the coast of Pasir Ris, Singapore. Link
23rd February 2015 - Mass die off of fish found floating in the Gulf of Iskenderun, Turkey. Link
22nd February 2015 - Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Ganges, India. Link
21st February 2015 - Thousands of dead crabs wash ashore on Balboa Island, California, America. Link
20th February 2015 - 3,000 birds have died due to another outbreak of avian flu in Katsina State, Nigeria. Link
19th February 2015 - 800+ (Possibly thousands) of dead turtles wash up along Odisha (different from last years incident) in India. Link
19th February 2015 - 150-200 Reindeer dead after avalanche in Trollheimen, Norway. LinkDead Reindeer in Norway
19th February 2015 - Thousands of dead fish found in the Uraguay River in Argentina. Link
19th February 2015 - 417,041 birds killed due to avian flu throughout Nigeria. Link
18th February 2015 - 100,000 birds dead, more culled in latest outbreak of avian flu in Taiwan, China. Link
18th February 2015 - Dozens of swans found dead and more dying on Snoqualmie River in Washington, America. Link
18th February 2015 - Die off of fish in Araruama Lagoon in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Link
18th February 2015 - INFO: Spike in sick and dying bats 'sparks concern' in Broome, Australia. Link
18th February 2015 - Hundreds of fish 'suddenly die' in Georges River, 'reason unknown' in NSW, Australia. Link
17th February 2015 - 500 sheep have died from disease in Salento, Italy. Link
17th February 2015 - Fish kill discovered in Manila Bay, Philippines. Link
16th February 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a dam in Castelo Branco, Portugal. Link
16th February 2015 - 4,500 Birds killed due to avian flu in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Link
16th February 2015 - Major fish kill found in a creek in Haute-Saone, France. Link
14th February 2015 - 1 out of every 3 seal pups born last summer have already died in California, America. Link - more here and here
14th February 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a lake in Bongouanou, Cote d'Ivoire (Africa). Link
14th February 2015 - 140 Whales dead after 198 become stranded at Farewell Spit, Stranded whales New ZealandNew Zealand. Link
14th February 2015 - Dozens of dead birds found around Lake Rotorua in New Zealand. Link
13th February 2015 - Tens of tons of dead fish 'is a mystery' in Lake Singkarak, Indonesia. Link
11th February 2015 - 200 TONS of rock lobsters dead due to 'harmful algae' off coast of South Africa. Link
11th February 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a river in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Link
11th February 2015 - Mass fish deaths in Lake Nasser in Sudan. Link
11th February 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish and birds found in a lagoon in General Baldissera, Argentina. Link
10th February 2015 - 2 Turtles found dead, 80 dead since January along the Adriatic coast of Italy. Link
10th February 2015 - Hundreds of cattle have died due to industrial pollution in Cosoleacaque, Mexico. Link
10th February 2015 - Thousands of dead starfish wash ashore on Isle of Palms in S.Carolina, America. Link
9th February 2015 - 7,000+ Birds killed due to avian flu in Hunan, China. LinkDead Starfish in S.Carolina
8th February 2015 - Thousands of pigeons dying in California, America. Link
7th February 2015 - 38 Dolphins stranded, 12 dead in a lagoon in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll, Maldives. Link
7th February 2015 - Masses of dead fish wash ashore along beaches in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link
7th February 2015 - Large die off of fish in a river in Fuzhou, China. Link
7th February 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found in Bhogavati river in India. Link
7th February 2015 - 70 Monkeys found dead throughout Kheragarh in India. Link
6th February 2015 - Massive fish kills occuring along the Tebicuary River in Paraguay. Link
5th February 2015 - Hundreds of animals killed by a storm in Punta del Agua, Argentina. Link
5th February 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish appear, 'causing concern' in the Black river in Argentina. Link
4th February 2015 - 1.07 MILLION geese killed (more than half of geese population) due to avian flu in Taiwan, China. Link
4th February 2015 - 20,000 Chickens killed due to avian flu in Plateau State, Nigeria. Link
4th February 2015 - 16.5 TONS of fish 'die suddenly' in Lake Maninjau, Indonesia. Link
4th February 2015 - 33 Whales and Dolphins washed ashore this year already, 'we've never had so many strandings' in Ireland. Link
4th February 2015 - 45 dead Geese found 'due to fatal crash landing' in Hoeksche Waard, Netherlands. Link
3rd February 2015 - 135 turtles found dead between December and January, 'a very worrying situation' in Emilia-Romagna, Italy. Link
3rd February 2015 - Thousands of dead starfish wash up on a beach in Abergele, Wales. LinkDead Starfish in Wales
3rd February 2015 - 2,000+ Starfish wash up dead along Padre Island in Texas, America. Link
3rd February 2015 - 10,000 Chickens killed due to avian flu in Hampshire, England. Link
2nd February 2015 - Thousands of birds dying from disease at Walker Lake in Nevada, America. Link
2nd February 2015 - 3,000 fish found dead in Collie River in Western Australia. Link
2nd February 2015 - Massive die off of fish in a river in Istanbul, Turkey. Link
2nd February 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found floating in Mississippi River in Iowa, America. Link
2nd February 2015 - 37,000 birds killed due to avian flu near Netanya, Israel. Link
2nd February 2015 - 50,000+ fish dead due to sewage pollution in Cartagena, Colombia. Link
1st February 2015 - INFO: 67 sick Sea Lions washed ashore already this year, 'no muscle, no fat, just skin and bones', 'it's a real shock' in California, America. Link
1st February 2015 - 10 dead whales during the past month 'baffle scientist' along south coast of Australia. Link
31st January 2015 - 150 turtles found dead along beaches in Baja California, Mexico. LinkDead Turtles in Mexico
30th January 2015 - INFO: 8 Million+ animals died in 2014 alone from vehicles in Belgium. Link
30th January 2015 - Hundreds of birds dying 'a mystery' in El Reno, Oklahoma, America. Link
29th January 2015 - 5,000 Birds to be killed due to avian flu in Washington State, America. Link
28th January 2015 - 60,000 fish dead due to pollution in a canal in Leicestershire, England. Link
28th January 2015 - Large die off of fish in a pond in Ambikapur, India. Link
28th January 2015 - 16 cows killed by lightning in Botucatu, Brazil. Link
27th January 2015 - 450 Turkeys dead, 8,000 culled due to bird flu in Kollam, India. Link
27th January 2015 - Mass stranding of dolphins, 4 or 5 dead along beaches in Pangasinan, Philippines. Link
27th January 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found along the Ngaso river in Indonesia. Link
26th January 2015 - Hundreds of sea birds found dead on a beach in northern Iceland. Link
26th January 2015 - 350 turtles washed up dead during past 2 months 'is worrying' along Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Link
26th January 2015 - 300 Birds dead 'due to hailstorm' in Ivaipora, Brazil. Link
26th January 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish appear in a dam in Apodaca, Mexico. Link
26th January 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a river in Saint-Loup-de-Gonois, France. Link
24th January 2015 - 40,000 turkeys to be killed due to avian flu in Sharon Region, Israel. Link
24th January 2015 - 4 TONS of fish die suddenly in fish ponds in Guangzhou, China. Link
23rd January 2015 - 10,000 dead fish found in the Lujan River in Argentina. Link
23rd January 2015 - 5,000+ dead fish in Oyster Creek in New Jersey, America. Link
23rd January 2015 - Large amount of dead fish found along an estuary in Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Link
22nd January 2015 - Thousands of dead jellyfish wash up on Redcliffe Peninsula, Australia. Dead Jellyfish in AustraliaLink
22nd January 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish appear in canals in Padre Island, Texas, America. Link
21st January 2015 - 22,573 birds killed due to avain flu in 7 states across Nigeria. Link
21st January 2015 - 73,000 birds killed due to avain flu in Kyushu, Japan. Link
21st January 2015 - 200 Birds dead covered in 'mystery goo' in California, America. Link
21st January 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found in ponds in Brownsville, Texas, America. Link
20th January 2015 - Mass die off of Tuna at a sea life park 'baffle experts' in Tokyo, Japan. Link
20th January 2015 - Hundreds of dead mackerel found in a lake in Nova Scotia, Canada. Link
20th January 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish appear in a canal in San Justo, Argentina. Link
19th January 2015 - Another 220,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Taiwan, China. Link
19th January 2015 - Massive fish kill along a Canal in Fort Myers, Florida, America. Link
19th January 2015 - Thousands of dead fish found in a river 'baffle authorities' in Gorakhpur, India. Link
19th January 2015 - 30 Bighorn sheep are dead 'due to pneumonia' in Montana, America. Link
19th January 2015 - Large die off of fish in a lake in Hanoi, Vietnam. Link
19th January 2015 - Thousands of fish die in a lake in Paranaita, Brazil. Link
18th January 2015 - 314 turtles wash ashore dead along beaches in Chennai, India. Link
18th January 2015 - Fish kill found in the waters of Holstein in Switzerland. Link
17th January 2015 - 100,000 turkeys killed due to avian flu in Aviel, Israel. Link
16th January 2015 - Dozens of sea birds found dead on a beach in ConCon, Chile. Link
16th January 2015 - 14 whales and 16 turtles washed up dead in Baja California, Mexico. LinkDead Whales and Turtles Mexico
16th January 2015 - 200,000 chickens killed due to avian flu in Okayama, Japan. Link
15th January 2015 - Thousands (8 TONS) of fish wash up dead along beaches in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Link
15th January 2015 - 10,000 fish have died 'due to algae' in Lake Mission Viejo, California, America. Link
14th January 2015 - 160,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Taiwan, China. Link
14th January 2015 - 554 sea birds and 4 sea lions found dead on beaches in Baja California, Mexico. Link
13th January 2015 - 20,000 birds have died from avian flu in Jiangxi, China. Link
13th January 2015 - Dozens of birds found dead in Sultanpur National Park, India. Link
12th January 2015 - 2,000 Cattle are dead due to disease in Jonglei State, South Sudan. Link
12th January 2015 - Hundreds of pigeons are 'falling dead out of the sky' in Antrim, Northern Ireland. Link
10th January 2015 - Thousands of dead starfish wash up in Westerland, Dead Starfish in GermanyGermany. Link
10th January 2015 - Thousands of dead fish found in a river in Oaxaca, Mexico. Link
10th January 2015 - Thousands of fish dead 'due to pollution' in a canal in Leicestershire, England. Link
10th January 2015 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Jabalpur, India. Link
9th January 2015 - 1,370 birds dead due to avian flu in Kano, Nigeria. Link
8th January 2015 - Thousands of birds 'die suddenly' due to avian flu in Lendah, Indonesia. Link
8th January 2015 - 150 Birds dead due to oil spill in Northwest Ohio, America. Link
7th January 2015 - UPDATE: 100,000+ dead seabirds found since October along west coast of America. Link
7th January 2015 - Hundreds of animals dead from wildfires in Southern Australia. Link
6th January 2015 - 10 dead beacked whales during the past couple of weeks 'baffle experts' on West Coast of Scotland. Link
6th January 2015 - Thousands of fish have died in Sher Shah lake in India. Link
6th January 2015 - Hundreds (possibly thousands) of dead snapper fish found, 'a mystery' in Doubtless Bay, New Zealand. Link
4th January 2015 - Thousands of fish have died in a fish farm in Kampung Baru, Malaysia. Link
2nd January 2015 - 7 Turtles found washed up dead during past week in Cattolica and Rimini, Italy. Link
2nd January 2015 - Large amount of dead fish wash ashore on a lake in Carlos Paz, Argentina. Link
2nd January 2015 - Thousands of dead birds washing ashore along the coast between California and Washington in America. Link
2nd January 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Nevada, America. Link
If you are affected by this information, then please see what must I do to be saved?
There is no doubt that these mass animal deaths occuring around the world today is one of the many signs of the times, showing that we are living in the last days. Throughout history we have not seen animals dying in these kinds of numbers all around the world. But the earth and the seas are so polluted now from man made chemicals and oil spills, the animals just don't stand a chance! But this was to be expected, as God has already warned us through Bible prophecy that this world is heading for complete ruin. Friends, it's time to turn to Jesus Christ. He is our ONLY hope for the future.
See MASS ANIMAL DEATHS 2014 for the 2014 list.
See MASS ANIMAL DEATHS 2013 for the 2013 list.
See MASS ANIMAL DEATHS 2012 for the 2012 list.
See MASS ANIMAL DEATHS 2011 for the 2011 list.


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