Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Axe NPR (National Pentagon/Propaganda Radio) ads......

Jan 14, 2014
I urge ALL print media in Santa Cruz County to REMOVE their NPR (National Pentagon/Propaganda Radio) ads from their publications.
NPR is nothing but corporate state LIES, DISINFORMATION and PROPAGANDA.
NPR does NOT belong in Santa Cruz County at all.  Listeners of KAZU and KUSP (who religiously aire NPR) need to inform their stations to either REMOVE their pro-NPR programming or relocate their stations to Texas, and to take their right wing corporate propaganda and LIES with them.
This is the radical Left Coast, NOT radical right wing America.
Santa Cruz County needs programming, news and information such as can be found
at Free Radio Santa Cruz and KPFA, which broadcasts daily from Berkeley.
KSCO, a little extreme right wing AM station broadcasting somewhere out of the Capitola swamp area, needs to pull out its Rush Limbaugh roots and relocate to right wing Texas as well.
Other examples of the right wing diseased infestation in Santa Cruz County include the so-called THRIVE "meet-up" community.  The THRIVE Movement does NOT recognize or acknowledge the threat of global climate change and actively works to censor all voices who try to challenge their corporate LIES and DISINFORMATION on this issue via their "meet-up" site.
Whole Foods, similarly DOES NOT believe in the Global Warming threat.  This store, headquartered in right wing Texas, DOES NOT hire local people, supports the GMO (genetically modified Monsanto/Frankenfood) agenda, and is a heavy meat pusher.  BOYCOTT this store at all costs.  This right wing corporate FILTH, similiarly, DOES NOT belong in Santa Cruz County-or anywhere in the state of California, for that matter.
I urge everyone to tune into KPFA broadcasting coming out of Berkeley (9.420 FM) for some
REAL news and information.  Help Free Radio Santa Cruz (freakradio.org- 101.3 FM) financially so that they can help get the TRUTH out
to our local community as well.  Let's route the right wing corporate news and information mafia empire out of our community for good!
The reason we have this right wing corporate takeover of our local community here in Santa Cruz (and elsewhere) is because we have
a psychopathic military/homeland security prison-police state OUT OF CONTROL and in power, sucking up BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars and
feverishly working to keep the public misinformed, dumbed down and brainwashed about local and world events.  They also need patriotic subservience to their
manufactured "terrorist" threat so that you'll fight and die for them in the battlefield for them- as many of you have been doing for them for decades.
NPR's prime directive is to keep the public brainwashed, controlled, and purposely mis and dis-informed.  Their mission is to infiltrate
left wing, progressive communities across the USA so as to turn the mass media consciousness to their right wing corporate agenda.
NPR is just another tentacle in the 5 corporate media conglomerates who own the world's media today.  But it is the Jewish Rothschild Banking Cartel,
headquartered in the CITY of London, UK (the synagogue of satan) who owns, authorizes, produces and directs propaganda outlets such as NPR.
Ultimately, though, it is the good people of Santa Cruz County (and elsewhere) who determine and discern what is TRUTH and what is LIE.
With a 6% congressional approval rating among the American people, I'd say the fascist corporate media empire is in full retreat!  Let's make sure they get a good hanging here in Santa Cruz!
Judge Dread
Santa Cruz, California

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